Vela Creations is an in-depth resource for off grid living. The site documents our research and experiences, hoping that they might help others interested in pursuing this lifestyle. This blog is designed to document our day to day experiences as we build our new, sustainable homestead. If you are interested in seeing more photos and videos, we have a flickr account at the following url:

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

First day at school

First day at school

Back to school. Leo's now in primary school and Nicky in preschool.

I was a little nervous about Leo going into "big" school, but he wasn't at all. He was super excited and ended up having a great day, of course. He's pretty good at reading and math now, so he breezed through the work side of things, but was still very proud of himself. And he loved playing soccer and hide'n'seek with everyone in break time. He also really liked eating lunch in the cafeteria with the other kids, which is cool, as he doesn't get out until 3, so will no longer be lunching with the rest of the family. After a long day, the two pages of homework were pretty tiring, but he got it done, with a little break in between. Needless to say, he slept very well last night and was much harder to wake up this morning!

Nicky was also thrilled to be starting preschool, but unfortunately something came up and the teacher won't be there until Wednesday. He was disappointed at first, but got over it pretty quickly, especially as he got to use his new colors and such at home. He's been pretending to go to school all day (puts on his bag, gives us a kiss and leaves, then comes back saying he was a good boy!).

It's all kind of a change of pace for us, but we should get used to it pretty quickly.

On a side note, I'm sorry I haven't done a blog in a while. It's been raining almost every single day (finally) and we've gotten little accomplished outside. We've played a lot of games with the kids, as well as getting into some long overdue computer work. We have also been planting seeds and things like prickly pears, as well as preserving the bounty of our thriving garden.

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First day at school

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